Legutóbbi tartalom: darkquail

  1. darkquail

    Keresztszemes minták a Világ minden tájáról VII. 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023

    Hello, does anyone of you have the instructions of Mirabilia / Nora Corbette MD 154-157 and NC 246-279? Many thanks in advance
  2. darkquail

    Happy New Year!

    2017 Happy New Year
  3. darkquail

    which is your favorite 80's movie?

    Ghost Busters :p
  4. darkquail

    hello! I'm lala!!

    hi, i am Ray and i'm from Germany
  5. darkquail

    Need a little help ;)

    many thanks for the information ^^
  6. darkquail


    God spoke: "It becomes a light!" Chuck Norris answered: "Say please!"
  7. darkquail


    The married couple sits with food. He pushes over his plate to the dog. "But Otto", she believes reproachfully, "nevertheless, you probably do not want to give your food to the dog?" "No", he hums crustily, "only exchange!" :D
  8. darkquail

    A woman who ate McDonald's everyday & lost weight

    Maybe she simply has a very quick metabolism
  9. darkquail

    Mann und Frau / Husband and Wife

    klingt interessant
  10. darkquail

    Why do we have to speak English?

    :D lol
  11. darkquail

    i'm new here :)

    i'm new here :)
Oldal tetejére