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VANCOUVER — B.C.’s attorney-general announced Friday that top Vancouver criminal lawyer Richard Peck has been named as a special prosecutor to take a second look at criminal charges against four RCMP officers after the Braidwood inquiry found that the Taser used on Robert Dziekanski in 2007 was an unnecessary use of force.
In 2008, B.C.’s criminal justice branch announced that it would not approve any charges in relation to Dziekanski’s death because there was not a substantial likelihood of conviction.
Attorney-General Mike de Jong also announced at a news conference — minutes after the release of inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood’s bluntly worded final report — that the province will establish, within a year, an independent civilian agency to investigate police-related deaths and serious injuries. The new agency will be called the Independent Investigations Office (IIO) and will be led by a civilian who has never worked for police. It will have the authority to investigate the RCMP and municipal police.
“Moving to an IIO model will help prevent in future what played out during the inquiry and is highlighted in the commission’s report — a number of discrepancies between what RCMP officers told investigators in 2008 and what came out at the inquiry,” de Jong said.
In his report, Braidwood concluded the “shameful conduct” of the officers was not justified. The retired appeal-court judge condemned the actions of the four RCMP officers who responded to a 911 call reporting the presence of a violent drunk at the Vancouver International Airport after 1:30 a.m. on Oct. 14, 2007. (An autopsy later determined he had no alcohol or drugs in Dziekanski’s system.)
Braidwood found the officers mishandled the situation by approaching Dziekanski as if they were dealing with a pub brawl instead of a distraught and exhausted visitor, who had spent more than 10 hours after arriving from Poland unsuccessfully trying to find his mother at the airport.
One of the officers repeatedly shocked Dziekanski with a Taser, even after he fell to the floor writhing in pain. Dziekanski, 40, died minutes after police handcuffed his hands behind his back.
His mother, Zofia Cisowski, waited at the airport for more than seven hours, but finally returned to her Kamloops home when told by customs officials that her son could not be found.
Dziekanski was hoping to start a new life in Canada. He spoke no English and had never been on a plane before.
Braidwood found the four officers should have used their skills and training to de-escalate the situation rather than deploying the stun gun five times. Police contact with Dziekanski lasted only 75 seconds, he pointed out.
Braidwood quoted Dziekanski’s final words, spoken in Polish: “Leave me alone. Did you become stupid? Have you gone insane? Why?”
The 459-page report is titled Why? The Robert Dziekanski Tragedy.
“In my view, Const.(Kwesi) Millington was not justified in deploying the weapon against Mr. Dziekanski, given the totality of the circumstances he was facing at the time,” Braidwood concluded in his report. “Similarly, Cpl. (Benjamin) Robinson was not justified in instructing him to deploy the weapon.”
Braidwood dismissed as false the officers’ claims that they were forced to wrestle Dziekanski to the ground, noting that he’d fallen after the first shock.
“The initial claims by all four officers that they wrestled Mr. Dziekanski to the ground were untrue,” said the report. “In my view they were deliberate misrepresentations, made for the purpose of justifying their actions.”
The incident was captured on an amateur video that was posted on YouTube, prompting an international public outcry because the video showed a markedly different scenario than the police version of events.
The officers testified at the inquiry that they believed Dziekanski intended to attack because he had a stapler in his hand. But Braidwood dismissed their testimony, saying, “I do not believe that either of these officers honestly perceived that Mr. Dziekanski was intending to attack them or the other officers.”
The inquiry commissioner found Dziekanski was compliant with police commands and did not brandish the stapler as a weapon. “Mr. Dziekanski did not bring this on himself,” Braidwood told reporters Friday.
Braidwood was asked by a reporter why he stopped short of calling the RCMP officers’ actions misconduct.
“I think I was blunt enough, full enough, and hopefully accurate enough that those reading it can draw their own conclusions,” he explained. “This tragic case is, at its heart, the story of shameful conduct of a few officers. It ought not to reflect unfairly on the many thousands of RCMP and other police officers who have, through years of public service, protected our communities and earned a well-deserved reputation in doing so.”
The attorney-general, however, said minutes later: “There was misconduct here and it reflects badly. The response here was way out of proportion to what was warranted.”
De Jong credited Braidwood for doing “a tremendous job of unravelling and probing all the circumstances surrounding the tragic death . . . B. C. agrees with the intent, principle and purpose of each of the report’s recommendations.”
De Jong also praised Dziekanski’s mother for attending Friday’s news conference. “You are a brave lady and I think British Columbians and Canadians have seen that firsthand. I thank you for being here,” he said.
Cisowski said she was pleased by the attorney-general’s appointment of a special prosecutor to review whether charges should be laid.
RCMP Commissioner William Elliot admitted Friday to reporters in Vancouver that the force’s handling of the fatal incident “failed at many levels” and the events should have unfolded differently.
“It is clear our policies and training in place at the time were deficient,” he told reporters. “We acknowledge that the actions of our members who dealt with Mr. Dziekanski also fell short.”
He went on to outline all the changes the RCMP has made since the incident, in training, policy and procedures involving the use of force and Taser use.
Elliot began his news conference by offering Dziekanski’s mother “our sincere condolences on the death of her son Robert and to apologize unconditionally for the role the RCMP, including individual members of the RCMP, played in his tragic death.”
A Vancouver Sun reporter asked why the RCMP didn’t apologize when the citizen’s video was released, but instead waited more than two years. “That’s a very good question,” Elliot said. “I wish we would have offered an apology to Mrs. Cisowski a lot sooner than we did.”
He said the force will be revisiting some of the decisions made at the time.
Elliot admitted that the RCMP “messed up,” making mistakes and errors in judgment that undermined public confidence in the force: “Canadians will not support us when they don’t trust us.”
He said the RCMP welcomed the B.C. government’s plan to establish a civilian agency and will co-operate with a special prosecutor appointed to review the original Crown decision not to charge the four Mounties. Elliot said one of the officers has been suspended for an unrelated incident and the other three have been assigned to administrative duties.
Vancouver RCMP Insp. Tim Shields, asked if it was true that three of the officers were on medical leave, said he could not comment.
Robinson has been charged with obstruction of justice for his involvement in an accident in Delta in 2008 that killed motorcyclist Orion Hutchinson, 21. Delta police recommended Robinson be charged with impaired driving, but the Crown said there was insufficient evidence.
The officer left the accident scene with his two children and went to his nearby home, where he claimed he had a couple of shots of vodka.
Vancouver Sun
VANCOUVER — B.C.’s attorney-general announced Friday that top Vancouver criminal lawyer Richard Peck has been named as a special prosecutor to take a second look at criminal charges against four RCMP officers after the Braidwood inquiry found that the Taser used on Robert Dziekanski in 2007 was an unnecessary use of force.
In 2008, B.C.’s criminal justice branch announced that it would not approve any charges in relation to Dziekanski’s death because there was not a substantial likelihood of conviction.
Attorney-General Mike de Jong also announced at a news conference — minutes after the release of inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood’s bluntly worded final report — that the province will establish, within a year, an independent civilian agency to investigate police-related deaths and serious injuries. The new agency will be called the Independent Investigations Office (IIO) and will be led by a civilian who has never worked for police. It will have the authority to investigate the RCMP and municipal police.
“Moving to an IIO model will help prevent in future what played out during the inquiry and is highlighted in the commission’s report — a number of discrepancies between what RCMP officers told investigators in 2008 and what came out at the inquiry,” de Jong said.
In his report, Braidwood concluded the “shameful conduct” of the officers was not justified. The retired appeal-court judge condemned the actions of the four RCMP officers who responded to a 911 call reporting the presence of a violent drunk at the Vancouver International Airport after 1:30 a.m. on Oct. 14, 2007. (An autopsy later determined he had no alcohol or drugs in Dziekanski’s system.)
Braidwood found the officers mishandled the situation by approaching Dziekanski as if they were dealing with a pub brawl instead of a distraught and exhausted visitor, who had spent more than 10 hours after arriving from Poland unsuccessfully trying to find his mother at the airport.
One of the officers repeatedly shocked Dziekanski with a Taser, even after he fell to the floor writhing in pain. Dziekanski, 40, died minutes after police handcuffed his hands behind his back.
His mother, Zofia Cisowski, waited at the airport for more than seven hours, but finally returned to her Kamloops home when told by customs officials that her son could not be found.
Dziekanski was hoping to start a new life in Canada. He spoke no English and had never been on a plane before.
Braidwood found the four officers should have used their skills and training to de-escalate the situation rather than deploying the stun gun five times. Police contact with Dziekanski lasted only 75 seconds, he pointed out.
Braidwood quoted Dziekanski’s final words, spoken in Polish: “Leave me alone. Did you become stupid? Have you gone insane? Why?”
The 459-page report is titled Why? The Robert Dziekanski Tragedy.
“In my view, Const.(Kwesi) Millington was not justified in deploying the weapon against Mr. Dziekanski, given the totality of the circumstances he was facing at the time,” Braidwood concluded in his report. “Similarly, Cpl. (Benjamin) Robinson was not justified in instructing him to deploy the weapon.”
Braidwood dismissed as false the officers’ claims that they were forced to wrestle Dziekanski to the ground, noting that he’d fallen after the first shock.
“The initial claims by all four officers that they wrestled Mr. Dziekanski to the ground were untrue,” said the report. “In my view they were deliberate misrepresentations, made for the purpose of justifying their actions.”
The incident was captured on an amateur video that was posted on YouTube, prompting an international public outcry because the video showed a markedly different scenario than the police version of events.
The officers testified at the inquiry that they believed Dziekanski intended to attack because he had a stapler in his hand. But Braidwood dismissed their testimony, saying, “I do not believe that either of these officers honestly perceived that Mr. Dziekanski was intending to attack them or the other officers.”
The inquiry commissioner found Dziekanski was compliant with police commands and did not brandish the stapler as a weapon. “Mr. Dziekanski did not bring this on himself,” Braidwood told reporters Friday.
Braidwood was asked by a reporter why he stopped short of calling the RCMP officers’ actions misconduct.
“I think I was blunt enough, full enough, and hopefully accurate enough that those reading it can draw their own conclusions,” he explained. “This tragic case is, at its heart, the story of shameful conduct of a few officers. It ought not to reflect unfairly on the many thousands of RCMP and other police officers who have, through years of public service, protected our communities and earned a well-deserved reputation in doing so.”
The attorney-general, however, said minutes later: “There was misconduct here and it reflects badly. The response here was way out of proportion to what was warranted.”
De Jong credited Braidwood for doing “a tremendous job of unravelling and probing all the circumstances surrounding the tragic death . . . B. C. agrees with the intent, principle and purpose of each of the report’s recommendations.”
De Jong also praised Dziekanski’s mother for attending Friday’s news conference. “You are a brave lady and I think British Columbians and Canadians have seen that firsthand. I thank you for being here,” he said.
Cisowski said she was pleased by the attorney-general’s appointment of a special prosecutor to review whether charges should be laid.
RCMP Commissioner William Elliot admitted Friday to reporters in Vancouver that the force’s handling of the fatal incident “failed at many levels” and the events should have unfolded differently.
“It is clear our policies and training in place at the time were deficient,” he told reporters. “We acknowledge that the actions of our members who dealt with Mr. Dziekanski also fell short.”
He went on to outline all the changes the RCMP has made since the incident, in training, policy and procedures involving the use of force and Taser use.
Elliot began his news conference by offering Dziekanski’s mother “our sincere condolences on the death of her son Robert and to apologize unconditionally for the role the RCMP, including individual members of the RCMP, played in his tragic death.”
A Vancouver Sun reporter asked why the RCMP didn’t apologize when the citizen’s video was released, but instead waited more than two years. “That’s a very good question,” Elliot said. “I wish we would have offered an apology to Mrs. Cisowski a lot sooner than we did.”
He said the force will be revisiting some of the decisions made at the time.
Elliot admitted that the RCMP “messed up,” making mistakes and errors in judgment that undermined public confidence in the force: “Canadians will not support us when they don’t trust us.”
He said the RCMP welcomed the B.C. government’s plan to establish a civilian agency and will co-operate with a special prosecutor appointed to review the original Crown decision not to charge the four Mounties. Elliot said one of the officers has been suspended for an unrelated incident and the other three have been assigned to administrative duties.
Vancouver RCMP Insp. Tim Shields, asked if it was true that three of the officers were on medical leave, said he could not comment.
Robinson has been charged with obstruction of justice for his involvement in an accident in Delta in 2008 that killed motorcyclist Orion Hutchinson, 21. Delta police recommended Robinson be charged with impaired driving, but the Crown said there was insufficient evidence.
The officer left the accident scene with his two children and went to his nearby home, where he claimed he had a couple of shots of vodka.
Vancouver Sun