Legutóbbi tartalom: Verídica

  1. V

    Kötés, horgolás 2020. augusztus 05-től december31-ig.2021 jan.01-tol 2022 jan.09

    Have you seen these cuties? ❤
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    Kötés, horgolás 2019. szeptember 29-től

    Hi!, this is one of the patterns I was searching for. Have a nice day!.
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    Kötés, horgolás 2018. november 13-tól

    Hello, I'm trying to modify the post I wrote because maybe the words are incorrect due to the translator I used, but I don't have the "modify" option anymore. Sorry for any inconvenience I may cause. I'm learning. Greetings and thank you very much :)
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    Kötés, horgolás 2018. november 13-tól

    Helló, van valaki ezeknek a gondolatoknak Lilla Björn karácsonyra?. Nagyon köszönöm.
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